The procedure doesn’t take long, about 20 minutes. Some people do it on their lunch break and go back to work afterwards and no one can tell (though if you want to tell, please do! We love referrals based on happy customer results)
Preventative maintenance initially you may need to come quarterly or every 3 months. After a few treatments and we have found the perfect recipe for you, we hope you will be able to get 4-6 months out of your neuromodulator treatment
Dosing depends on how deep your current lines are, how strong your muscles are at expressing, your metabolism, smoking, sun damage, and skin type. Your dose may be different from a friends’ and your results may last longer.
Botox® is a naturally derived purified protein from botulinum toxin type A.
It is given in small doses by health care professionals for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.
Some brand names are Botox Cosmetic®, Dysport®, Xeomin®
Botox® blocks the nerve signals to the muscles responsible for repeated contractions over the years with frowning, squinting, smiling and raising the eyebrows. It temporarily relaxes this muscle activity, smoothing the lines and creating a refreshed appearance. It has no effect on the sensory nerve; you will have normal feeling in the treated areas
Botox® is highly useful on crow’s feet around the eyes, forehead creases, and frown lines between the eyes. Other site options are the small lines around the mouth, correcting a gummy smile, bunny lines, and some areas of the jawline and neck.
Some patients report that the injections may feel like a pinch or mosquito bite.
If experienced, side effects are temporary & may include a small bruise, headache, or mild swelling which resolve in a few days. In the studies, a small percentage of patients experienced eyelid (3%) or brow droop (1%), which is mitigated by injection technique considering patient specific musculature. Allergic reactions are rare. Notify the injector if you have a cow’s milk allergy, and a different brand of neuromodulator will be provided. Your injector will assess possible interaction with your medications and make recommendations for or against proceeding with the treatment.
Predictable, subtle results, so you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines. Ideally, no one should be able to tell you’ve had anything done.
It's not your age that determines when BOTOX is right for you, it's the severity of your lines. Everyone's lines form differently based on cellular changes over time, to reduction of collagen, to genetic factors, or damage caused by the sun and the environment, or from dynamic expressions.
You may begin to notice results within 24-48 hours, full effect in 2 weeks. Results may last up to 3-4 months.
It’s a quick 10-minute treatment with minimal downtime. You can return to your regular schedule immediately after your treatment.
Botox is a naturally derived purified protein from botulinum toxin type A.
It is given in small doses by health care professionals for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.
Some brand names are Botox Cosmetic®, Dysport®, Xeomin®
Botox® blocks the nerve signals to the muscles responsible for repeated contractions over the years with frowning, squinting, smiling and raising the eyebrows. It temporarily relaxes this muscle activity, smoothing the lines and creating a refreshed appearance. It has no effect on the sensory nerve; you will have normal feeling in the treated areas
Botox® is highly useful on crow’s feet around the eyes, forehead creases, and frown lines between the eyes. Other site options are the small lines around the mouth, correcting a gummy smile, bunny lines, and some areas of the jawline and neck.
Some patients report that the injections may feel like a pinch or mosquito bite.
If experienced, side effects are temporary & may include a small bruise, headache, or mild swelling which resolve in a few days.
In the studies, a small percentage of patients experienced eyelid (3%) or brow droop (1%), which is mitigated by advanced education and injection technique considering patient specific musculature.
Allergic reactions are rare. Notify the injector if you have a cow’s milk allergy, and a different brand of neuromodulator will be provided.
Your injector will assess possible interaction with your medications and make recommendations for or against proceeding with the treatment.
Predictable, subtle results, so you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines. Ideally, no one should be able to tell you’ve had anything done.
It's not your age that determines when BOTOX is right for you, it's the severity of your lines. Everyone's lines form differently based on cellular changes over time, to reduction of collagen, to genetic factors, or damage caused by the sun and the environment, or from dynamic expressions.
You may begin to notice results within 24-48 hours, full effect in 2 weeks. Results may last up to 3-4 months.
It’s a quick 10-minute treatment with minimal downtime. The little red bumps will likely be gone by the time you get to the car. You can return to your regular schedule immediately after your treatment.
Cake soufflé fruitcake cake. Tiramisu apple pie marshmallow. Soufflé sesame snaps oat cake sesame snaps lemon drops. Chocolate cake lollipop bonbon gummi bears cupcake dessert powder tootsie roll fruitcake. Brownie pastry biscuit dessert cookie liquorice cookie wafer. Jujubes chocolate bar dessert chocolate bar. Pastry pudding tootsie roll fruitcake wafer croissant pie marshmallow. Donut tiramisu marzipan jelly beans gummi bears sweet dessert gingerbread carrot cake.
Dessert lollipop gummies dessert pudding brownie jelly beans caramels macaroon. Fruitcake candy chocolate bar lollipop. Carrot cake sweet roll chocolate bar croissant marshmallow marshmallow. Bonbon candy marzipan cake oat cake candy canes. Cake jujubes sweet lollipop cookie carrot cake pastry. Topping cake croissant. Sweet roll pie chupa chups.
Cake soufflé fruitcake cake. Tiramisu apple pie marshmallow. Soufflé sesame snaps oat cake sesame snaps lemon drops. Chocolate cake lollipop bonbon gummi bears cupcake dessert powder tootsie roll fruitcake. Brownie pastry biscuit dessert cookie liquorice cookie wafer. Jujubes chocolate bar dessert chocolate bar. Pastry pudding tootsie roll fruitcake wafer croissant pie marshmallow. Donut tiramisu marzipan jelly beans gummi bears sweet dessert gingerbread carrot cake.
Dessert lollipop gummies dessert pudding brownie jelly beans caramels macaroon. Fruitcake candy chocolate bar lollipop. Carrot cake sweet roll chocolate bar croissant marshmallow marshmallow. Bonbon candy marzipan cake oat cake candy canes. Cake jujubes sweet lollipop cookie carrot cake pastry. Topping cake croissant. Sweet roll pie chupa chups.
Pricing, area specific dosing ranges, and comprehensive service information to inform, educate, and calm any pre-consultation nerves. Pricing quotes require an in person Complimentary Consultation based on your unique anatomy and budget.
“Shanna knocked a good ten years off my face. I was able to pick up a guy about 5 years younger no problem, he still thinks I’m 30 🤣. She turned my 11’s and crows feet into smooth skin and I’m not having to use as strong of filters on Instagram. ”